Saturday, November 7, 2009

PC is not wise

Mares eat oats
Does eat oats.

Don't let the fox guard the henhouse.

Old bromides are often considered quaint and touching. In this modern "progressive" world we have little use for old and sometimes stereotypical "truths." Political Correctness now rules the day to the extent that blunt speech is often characterized as insensitive and hateful. Actions that are defined as "hate crimes" are growing in number, and an expanding universe of language is identified as "hate speech."

Clearly, when one's ability to describe reality is compromised by a cluster of laws, rules and practices intentionally designed to blur meanings and distort communication, then solving problems and resolving issues become nearly impossible. In many sectors "straight talk" is considered gauche and mean-spirited. We talk in meaningless generalities so that no one is hurt, insulted or embarrassed. Consequently, it is extremely difficult to address the "nub" of an examine it disassemble and rebuild an assumption or series of beliefs because the rules of PC destroy honest evaluation.

So, why have I chosen this topic for today's blog? The insane events at Ft. Hood reminded me that this PC crap has gone too far for too long. As people who love and cherish liberty, we have so many battles to wage on so many fronts, but until we can "call a spade, a spade," our tools or our weapons will be severly limited.

And little lambs eat ivy.

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