Friday, January 8, 2010

Schemes and Scams

Oxymorons (doesn’t mean stupid cattle).

Government benefits
Government worker
Fair taxation
Public servant

Full plate.

Healthcare Reform
Cap and Trade
Energy Policy
Homeland Security
Military Action
Immigration Policy
Financial Sector
Housing Equity Crisis
Personal Bankruptcies
Government ownership of formerly private corporations
2010 Census
Value of the dollar
Commercial bankruptcies

How many of these issues are being addressed in a way that might improve their outlooks?

My “Hope and Change” dream: Smaller government, lower taxes, more freedom.

All of the above plate issues are trickling down (that’s right-trickle down) into the state, local and school governments. Most are facing enormous budgetary challenges because of lower revenues and increased demands for services. In this blog I have taken numerous shots at the feds for their profligate ways, but the state and local governments need chastising too. Spending and committing future dollars as if the gravy train will never end is sheer fiscal folly. What sensory deprived lump of humanity has never heard the term, “saving for a rainy day?” Listen up, reason-challenged public officials; it’s a deluge out here…a massive sheet of water with no end in sight. We’re drowning thanks to your lack of foresight. Don’t blame “the economy.” Don’t blame other politicians. Don’t blame your constituents for opposing expensive “reform” packages. You are responsible. Your failure to be proper stewards of the public resources has caused this overload of angst. So, in addition to the debilitating effects of Potomac Fever, we have Columbus Cholera, Toledo Typhoid, Cincinnati Sickness, Cleveland Cancer, Wyandot Wan, Tinytown Tabes, and on and on and on as far as the eye can see. Friends, if we can dig out of the federal mess, we still have a ways to go with states and local governments before we can see daylight.

Don’t give up, but do not support the same old remedies. Do not fall for the same old lies. Do not allow anyone whose life purpose is to be (re) elected to succeed. Demand answers. Insist on accountability. Do not tolerate “weasel words.” Always remember who the boss is and who the “servant.” is

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