Saturday, January 8, 2011

Littlestuff Weekender-1-8-2010

Have you ever watched a little child get amped and excited while attacking the presents under the Christmas tree only to be deflated after discovering that the one gift he/she really wanted was not there? Remember that scene as you observe the 112th Congress in action (inaction).
A fourteen trillion dollar debt plus unimaginable unfunded liabilities matches or exceeds our total gross domestic product (GDP). What do you call it when your debt matches or exceeds your total worth? Upside down? Underwater? Broke? Bankrupt? Does more borrowing get you out of the hole, or does it merely buy more time as you dig a deeper hole?
We’ve had just enough snow here at the Little Pat-Ch of Paradise that it is beautiful but not miserable or threatening. There is enough to cover the ground and hide the property’s flaws. Reminds me of something:
This will be my final depressing thought for today (well, maybe). As a “nullifier” who believes that state governments must reassert control over their own affairs, I am NOT encouraged by the irresponsibility of our state governments…or our local governments and certainly not encouraged by our local school boards who oversee the state-run education monopoly. Too many of them overspend and believe that they must provide services that exceed their mandates. It seems that our historical pattern has been for progressive, unthinking “do-gooders” to run for office while the sensible reasonable types are expected to pay the freight for their good intentions. It seems to me that it’s time for clear thinkers to step up and seek local office in order to wrest control from the touchy-feely advocates who are so eager to instruct the rest of us about how we should live. At the present time while we are aghast at the potential for a federal financial collapse, our states and localities are in eerily similar straits. It seems as if all levels of government are racing toward fiscal Armageddon and subverting our liberties along the way.
On a cheerier note: Only 82 days until April 1st.
My plan is to plant some “heritage seeds” in my garden this year, but I saw an article this past week that indicated that the original reproductive heritage varieties may become an endangered commodity due to “Big Brother’s” intervention. The race is on.
Congrats to The Ohio State University football team for successfully removing the South Eastern Conference monkey from their back. Also, the Buckeye Men’s Basketball squad still sports an unblemished record.
As I examine what my priorities must be for the near and distant future, three elements are enduring: Faith, family and freedom. Without those three cornerstones in place anything else is mere window dressing.
A few folks have suggested that I run for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Sherrod Brown (very few people, I might add). Although the statewide campaign for Secretary of State was invigorating and enlightening, it also was exhausting and frustrating. You may recall Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result (paraphrase)….a sobering reality check.
It might be a good idea to amend the Constitution to eliminate the State Department as a mandated function of the executive branch. Foggy Bottom is a vipers’ nest of effete Ivy League elites who appear to be committed to a global hegemony. If we must continue to maintain the State Department, perhaps we should require that our diplomatic corps consist of retired Special Forces officers. Their backgrounds and experience would make them wary of unnecessary warfare and reluctant to cavalierly intervene in other nations’ affairs.
Have a wonderful weekend.

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