Friday, January 28, 2011

The Real Extremists

Because we, you and I, believe in constitutional government and fiscal responsibility, we are often labeled as “extremists.” The sneering condescending lefties aren’t the only ones who describe us this way because the establishment GOP joins the chorus when they huddle in the cloak rooms and bars of Washington, Columbus and county seats across the nation. Apparently they identify people who think differently from them as extreme. Underlying their definition is the idea that anyone who questions or opposes the status quo is an outlier…outside the mainstream…extreme.
Politicians in the United States love to extol the contribution of the middle class to our nation. Phrases such as “the working people,” “small businesses,” and “everyday people” are commonly uttered and heard during political campaigns and in policy debates. It seems, at times, as if the entire political world were focused on the preservation and potential of the vast middle class. Our well-being is portrayed as the dominant impetus for every legislative and government initiative. Their rhetoric is misleading. Their efforts are not directed toward the benefit of the middle class because the political class is primarily composed of extremists. Yes, you read that correctly…politicians and the government bureaucracy are extremists.
Their extremism is rooted the fact that they view some entities as Too Big To Fail (TBTF) and at the same time view some of our citizens or residents as Too Small To Succeed. Even a cursory examination of the protected classes would illustrate that the powers, interests and resources of the government are primarily reserved to protect the most extreme elements of our economic population. The great unwashed middle gets lip service and IRS invoices. As the two-faced political leadership continues to sing the praises of the middle class, they implement policies that endanger it. Clearly a new song book is in order. To give you a mental image of how the base of our republic is abused, imagine the following:  You have a small pyramid and each side is 4 inches square. Also, you have a solid rubber ball that is 8 inches in diameter. Now, if you were asked to balance the pyramid on the ball, you could do it. It may require a few attempts for perfect balance, but in the end you would succeed. That image represents the delicate balance of an economic system undergirded by a solid, but flexible, group of producers. Now, balance the pyramid on the ball by using one of the points of the pyramid. I can almost guarantee that you will run out of patience before you succeed. The tangential point where the pyramid contacts the ball represents the smaller productive base that is available to support the system.
Each new law, regulation, tax and restriction has some measure of a negative impact on the producer; however the huge crony mega-corporation and the union harlots are immune from the ultimate damage because they are too big to fail. The non-producers are protected because of the government’s compassionate use of your productivity and money. The assumption is that you will become accustomed to the perpetual squeezing of your liberty, your property and your labor and meekly go along. Simple observation informs us that the pyramid cannot balance on the point for very long. It must topple. As I see it, the only answer for the preservation of the middle is to drive the extremists from power. We must shrink the pyramid, enlarge the ball, and destroy the extremists’ control of our lives and our livelihoods. Extremism has proven to be a seductive vice in our recent history. It is time to silence the siren’s song.
Check out “Earl for Ohio” on FaceBook, too:


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