Saturday, August 27, 2011

Littlestuff Weekender-8-27-2011

It was a long but pleasant day at the Lorain County Fair (OH). You may recall that I attended 46 county fairs last year plus the Ohio State Fair. The schedule this year is much less hectic so the few that I work are really enjoyable. Fairs (like malls) are a great place for observing humans and quasi-humans…particularly in the context surrounding a political booth or tent. Anecdotally, about 10% of the people expressed near-revulsion when they encountered our display, but I don’t know if it was because they were so brain-washed by the two old parties, or if the idea of politics made them ill. About 15-20% seemed to possess a healthy curiosity and sought more information or picked up some material. The remaining 75% or so suffered from raging indifference, and thus I have concluded……………we are doomed. Intentional ignorance, gross genetic stupidity and a lack of even a mere flicker of curiosity are the demolition tools of destruction for our nation. But the donuts made by the Wellington Band Boosters were outstanding.

Let’s see…Hurricane Irene, sluggish economy, high unemployment, fighting in the Mideast, war in Afghanistan, insurgents in Iraq, earthquakes, riots on the streets……I’m so glad the Teleprompter-in Chief and the First-Lady-of Food-Nagging have come home from vacationing. Aren’t you? Feel safer now?

Watch this Libyan mess very closely. Even though NATO and the IAEA claim that most of the mass weapons have been secured…..they said that about Belarus too, and the atomic material from is still leaking into the global marketplace. Remember, NATO is a bureaucracy which means that they are incompetent and seldom get it right.

For those of you who are ardent watchers of the various stock and commodity markets, but are not “day traders,” remember the market moves or fluctuates on news ……and rumors of news. By the time that actual facts are determined, the impact has already been absorbed.


This is a short column today because we’ve had a stressful busy week here at the Little Pat-Ch of Paradise in NW Ohio.

Hope for a good day. Work to make it better. Pray for forgiveness when you screw it up.

The next Weekender will be in September.

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