Friday, October 21, 2011

Pull it or Prolong it.

Pulling teeth is an uncomfortable proposition….for the person whose teeth are being extracted. It can be a painful experience. If you can remember back to when you were young, and your adult teeth were replacing your “baby teeth,” you may recall that a wiggly tooth generated some pain, but you may have been hesitant to face the momentary onslaught of agony that would come as a result of pulling the tooth. You may have chosen to allow the smaller pain to linger rather than confront the immediate discomfort of a swift extraction. You now know that if you had allowed the baby tooth to remain in your jaw for too long of time, you could have negatively affected the oncoming adult tooth. So it is with our national fiscal crisis. Over spending must STOP, but many of us are too needy and dependent to wish it to do so abruptly.

Some of us understand the need for removing the affected tooth. We wiggle and maneuver it unceasingly, but remain too fearful to apply the one big “yank” that will allow the incoming tooth to fully extend itself. The fiscal and political parallel to this scenario is the budgeting scheme that attacks our fiscal problems in a piecemeal fashion. They may, if resolutely followed, ultimately resolve the spending/budget/debt problems we face, but they do increase the risk for our national fiscal security for the time they are in place. Slow-walking the remedy could create a hazardous recovery for the nation because of the opportunities lost and the diverted capital. The prospect of a “glide path” course correction may be appealing because of its minimizing of economic pain, but the recovery that succeeds it will be less robust because for years the private economy continues to compete with the government for resources. Many sectors, industries and businesses may not survive in such an environment. They will not be in place when the economic engine is re-ignited and capital, training and finances will be necessary for “re-inventing the wheel”…..many times over.

The soundest method for dealing with the tooth whose time has come is to grip it firmly and pull decisively. The higher level of momentary pain will subside rather quickly, and the replacement chomper will have the freedom and the space to develop quickly and straightly.


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Dr. Paul’s medical training, his constitutional fidelity and his grasp of reason are evident when one reviews his plan. Pulling the offensive tooth now is the best and safest remedy for dealing with a severe problem….especially if the tooth and gum are infected. He understands, however, a transitional time will be necessary to restore the United States to a firm fiscal footing. As a man of integrity, Dr. Paul will NOT leave the heavy lifting to his successor, but he does resolve the issue in one presidential term….straightforwardly, unabashedly, patriotically.

Pulling the tooth quickly will be painful. Playing and wiggling with our nation’s fiscal health will probably be deadly. Let’s get on with it. Dr. Paul is the ONLY candidate on the scene who has a plan and the will to resolve our current crisis. Others have offered piecemeal defunding and cuts but have not dared to offer a bold design for restructuring our fiscal house. A new metaphor: tacking plywood on the broken windows of our fiscal house does not enhance its value. Removing the dangerous broken glass (government), replacing the sill and frame (the economy) and replacing the glass and glazing it (liberty and free markets) will preserve the value of our fiscal house.

Friends, tiptoeing and tap dancing will not save this nation. Failing to squarely face our spending issues and allowing the geometric growth of our federal government will destroy the promise and potential of the United States for our progeny. Bold decisive action is required to restore some sanity to our national (and global) madness. Dr. Ron Paul of Texas is the ONLY candidate for President of the United States who has the plan, the integrity, the courage and the will to do what must be done.

Tue. & Wed., 6-7:00pm, 1370 WSPD, Toledo.

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