Saturday, January 14, 2012

Littlestuff Weekender-1-14-2012

This Saturday leads into a final frenzied week in South Carolina for the GOP hopefuls. Given the angst and anguish displayed by so many over the Perry and Gingrich attacks on Romney’s venture capital career, it is interesting to note that as of today, they seemed to have had an effect…a positive one for Newt. Mitt seems stalled with an under 30% number, but Gingrich and Ron Paul appear to be climbing in the polls. Rick Perry is languishing in the 5% range. Perhaps he’s being punished for his fierce slam on Romney, or more likely, his tepid finish in Iowa and his failure to work New Hampshire have convinced Gamecockers that he is no longer a serious contender. Santorum is projected at roughly 15-16% as of today and has room to move if he can use the coming week advantageously. Any movement for him would have to be whittled from Romney, Gingrich or Paul. Rick Santorum probably prays nightly for another Gingrich misstep. Fasten your seatbelts and tune in the Monday night debate (isn’t this #212?) on the Fox News Channel.

The global economic situation took a slight turn for the worse as Standard and Poors warned 15 of the 17 EU nations that they faced a potential downgrade. On Friday S&P did lower the rating for France…which is really not good for the overall economic health of the European continent. France and Germany have been negotiating and structuring the deals to keep some of the weaker nations afloat. The entire global system is so intertwined and propped up by massive borrowing that a small crack in the dike could open the floodgates. Our U.S. economy could be rescued by default. Every other nation could fall in the tank, and our vast resources, food and fiber production and top-end technology could make us the strongest in a world full of weaklings. Even so….if a massive global disruption should occur, our exports will dwindle and the currency exchanges will be extremely volatile and shaky. Globalism could mean that all nations get clobbered because of our interdependence.

Four U.S. Marines are being charged for allegedly urinating on Taliban corpses. If our Congress had the decency, honor and courage to declare war, this decade-long “engagement” in Afghanistan might have ended long ago and our military personnel wouldn’t feel so frustrated. Instead we pussyfoot our way around a hostile terrain while propping up a corrupt and ineffectual regime following rules of engagement (ROE) that are so politically correct as to be nearly unworkable. Yes, it was a despicable act, but much less bothersome than the blatant cowardice exhibited by our political class. Yes, they should be punished. I recommend a 32 kilometer trot carrying full gear. As for the gutless wonders who send them there without the full support of the nation….fire them all. Semper Fi!

 The Russian Mars probe is due to crash on Earth Sunday or Monday. Wear a helmet when you go out.

Another debt ceiling deadline has arrived (no, that’s not an echo), and the President has asked for the $1.2 trillion addition that was part of the last deal. He didn’t have to ask. If Congress doesn’t act, the increase becomes automatic. If Congress votes NOT to increase the debt ceiling, Obama has only to veto the legislation and the debt gets increased. His asking for approval was strictly political. He put the onus on Congress, and he can react to their action or inaction. This fine mess is a result of the negotiating skills of Mitch McConnell and John Boehner. When you get outsmarted by a dimwit like Harry Reid, you should be forced to trade your IQ points in for McDonalds’ coupons.

Now that winter has finally arrived here in NW Ohio, I am reminded of two of my least favorite words: Alberta Clipper. Cold and quiet are relatively easy for me to cope with, but cold and windy….Oh Boy. Frosty doesn’t like it either because I have bribe, beg and threaten his sorry tail to get him to go out and do his business. Shoot, if only he’d learn to use the potty for something other than a water bowl……..

A judge has ruled that 4 GOP Presidential candidates ARE bound by the restrictive candidacy ballot access laws in Virginia. He ruled that Huntsman, Perry, Santorum, Gingrich had ample knowledge and time to qualify for the ballot therefore they failed to meet the criteria and will NOT be listed. The result is a head to head contest between Paul and Romney. To the four musketeers: as a third-party member in Ohio, I know all about restrictive ballot access laws. Either deal with it, or spend all your resources trying to correct it.

Does God care about pro football? I believe He does because He cares about everything. I also believe that He is more concerned with Tim Tebow’s ministry and walk than He is with the final score of any game.

Have a great remainder of the weekend.

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