Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Palpating Liberty

Back in the day when I was a young lad on the farm we would occasionally have the veterinarian palpate some of our cows. He would check them for pregnancy. We did have times and dates of the cows’ assignations with the bull or with the A.I. technician from the Northern Ohio Breeders Association, but after a time we would want to know if certain members of the herd had “took.” If the doc failed to find any evidence of a tiny calf forming, we would have to rebreed the cow or re-introduce her to “Major,” the 2500 pound behemoth. It was a minor but critical procedure in our operation of the dairy farm.

Palpating liberty is a vital task if we have any hope at all for saving our Republic. For far too long too many of our fellow citizens have been   unaware and unconcerned about the socialist path we have been following. Most of them grumble and complain about various aspects of the government and our society. They may even acknowledge that government is too large and becoming increasingly oppressive, but have they internalized those sentiments? Or are they “just talk” with little emotional or intellectual investment by the grouser? Clearly the performance of Congress following the 2010 elections indicates that many more constitutional loyalists and freedom defenders must be elected. The best method for selecting and electing such people is to expand the universe of voters for that (our) type of candidate.

The need for more people to formally or informally join the cadre of constitutional restorers is why we must develop the art of palpating for liberty. When we encounter someone who expresses disbelief or disgust with the latest government over reach or foul up, we should probe (figuratively speaking) them to discern just how deep-seated their frustration may be. Questions always work better than statements for ascertaining someone’s point of view. Definitive assertions may drive them into a defensive posture and solidify their former allegiances. Questions about the role of government or the effectiveness of government programs may elicit more candid responses and create an opening for sharing with them that if our Constitution were honored, then we wouldn’t have the plethora of difficulties we have today because government would be restrained from “minding our business.” This short Q & A with a disgruntled colleague or friend should generate enough information for you and me to detect an embryonic thirst for liberty…..or the absence of one.

Some people routinely complain about the government with no principle or philosophical foundation. For example you may know of a man who complains about his wife’s spending habits when, in reality, she’s the thrifty one of the family. Same with those who complain about government but never think it through. They do not understand that their demands on government, their attitudes about government involvement and their acceptance of government control make them partially responsible for the current mess. They have not bothered to reason why the system isn’t working. They just know that it’s dysfunctional and so they complain. They have no investment in change, however because they have not yet decided that reformation is necessary. Their discontent is shallow and unfocused. Liberty has not yet been internally implanted in them.

Obviously we can use every ally possible as we seek to restore our Republic to its original purpose, but if we attempt to ignite the passions of those who have not yet become pregnant with the idea of personal freedom, we may instead encourage them to form a counter-force. Their natural resistance to change may overcome their whining complaints about government. Perhaps they have believed that they ALWAYS get the short end of the bargain, and they prefer their current impotent status to an unknown future than may not include the taxpayer funded “safety nets.” So as we build our alliance for liberty and restoration, we must not assume that the grumbling discontent will be with us. Her or his mind understands that “things aren’t right,” but he or she has not yet experienced the internal transformational germination of liberty. The concept exists but the passion does not.

As we palpate our acquaintances to detect their intensity for liberty, we should actively recruit those who have clearly “seen the light” and fear for the future if matters continue as they are. Those whose unhappiness is limited to the surface should be encouraged to study and pay attention to current events, but they should not be pressured into voting. Without the internal seed for freedom, they will tend to support the status quo. At the risk of sounding calloused and indifferent, I must confess that “Get Out the Vote” makes me angry. Unmotivated voters always seek to maintain the present circumstances and are generally less informed than those who want reform. Of course the career political class and their entrenched buddies are aware of voter dynamics, and diligently work to get every species of animal life to the polls.

If we truly desire a rebirth of liberty and a restoration of our Republic, then we must palpate the people to find those who share our aims….and those who do not. Questions lead to answers and answers help us to determine if the seed of freedom has been implanted. We must work to give liberty that chance to grow, and resist the growth of the government structure that seeks to extinguish freedom.


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