Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Base and the "Bots"

Many of you readers already know that I am a “reformed” Republican. For 42 years I was an active member of the GOP. I served on the County Central Committee, as a campaign chairman for several candidates and as an elected State Representative in the Ohio General Assembly. My first memorable political activity was as a six-year old handing out “I Like Ike” buttons in front of Groman’s Market in Tiffin, Ohio. Dwight D. Eisenhower gained the 1952 Presidential nomination by defeating an Ohioan, Senator Robert Taft. As a youth, I was proud to claim the former General as my President, but as I have matured---both chronologically and politically—I find that Senator Taft, Mr. Republican, more closely represented the values and principles that I hold dear.

My discouragement with the drift of the Republican Party caused me to suspend my activism for a couple of years until I discovered and researched the principles and goals of the Libertarian Party. If you would do a “Google Search” for Senator Taft, Mister Republican, you would note that he was fighting the Eastern Establishment in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s for the soul of the GOP. He lost. Following his death in 1953 there was no one with the stature and the credibility to carry the torch for the founding principles of the Republican Party. The “Establishment” took and held control with some blips up until and including today. Constitutionalists are not welcomed in the present-day GOP. Small government advocates are patronized. The party is committed to Big Government and power sharing with their colleagues, the statist Democrats. It is an unholy alliance between two groups of crony capitalists who are absolutely committed to increasing government influence and control over our lives.

Robert Taft vigorously opposed the New Deal and its massive expansion of federal power. Senator Taft sought to curb the power of labor unions. He was a major proponent of an anti-interventionist foreign and military policy. He attacked deficit spending, high farm subsidies, government bureaucracy, the National Labor Relations Board and government health insurance. Senator Taft believed in a strong defense that served to protect the United States….not to be deployed all over the world as the Big Brother/Big Bully of the planet. In short Mr. Republican was a Libertarian. The Republican Party left him behind as it became more global, more intrusive and less principled. The current crop of Establishment sell-outs refer to the legions of conservative GOP voters as “the base.” Apparently they view the base as something to stand on when reaching high for statist power. They must be thrilled because time after time despite their being treated shabbily; the base falls in line like happy sheeple and continues the status quo. Yesiree, they can count on their cowardly base to save their seats of power every time.

The base is those who reside on the bottom of the power pyramid. I left the base in 2004, and this year I chose to become a “Bot.” My greatest concern as an American is our liberty. Every new law, rule or regulation passed by Establishment Republicans and Socialist Democrats erodes my freedom and limits my opportunities. Senator Taft has passed on, but Dr. and Congressman Ron Paul carries the torch for him. I am now a “Paulbot.” The clones and apologists for the status quo establishment Big Government GOP laugh at us, deride us, call us names and try to dismiss us. But we persist. Is Ron Paul the perfect messenger for a theme of liberty? No, he is not. If I were his communication director, I would frequently cringe when his candor trumps his political instincts. He is the best we have on the scene for saving our nation from the ruling class elites who will destroy us.

Fortunately….I’m not totally without ammo in this attempt to save our Republic from certain collapse. If the Establishment succeeds in nominating their anointed preference, then Gary Johnson on the Libertarian ticket is the next logical choice. Anyone who chooses between Mitt Romney and Barrack Obama faces a Hobson’s Choice because they represent the same outcome with only a matter of degrees in difference. I refuse to willingly and actively promote the destruction of our nation. “But Charlie,” you might say,” you’ll split the vote and Obama will win.” Perhaps….but if either Obama or Romney wins, our people lose. I refuse to surrender now….or ever. I would rather go down with honor than to “lose by winning.” I will not be taken for granted and stomped on like the reliable “base.” I am a “Bot.” Deal with it. And if we win and liberty survives, you can thank me and others like me who will never be debased by lying career politicians. Liberty….first, foremost and forever.

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