Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spasms of Sanity

There are 435 voting Congresspersons in the United States House of Representatives plus 100 Senators who represent all the citizens in the 50 states of the republic. There are also non-voting members from the territories and the District of Columbia. Once in a while they do get something right. I describe those oh-so-rare moments as “spasms of sanity.” One would think that in the entire 225 year history of our constitutional republic that there would be an overwhelming number of spasms to celebrate, but unfortunately most of their spasmodic behavior has been directed toward the erosion of our liberties and the destruction of our nation.

The tiny moments of government lucidity are rare. For the most part they spend their time and efforts constructing barriers to our prosperity and restrictions to our personal freedom. Although at some level they attempt to do the will of the people, they are captives of special interests, large contributors and agenda-driven do-gooders. Many of our elected officials seem to have abandoned every element of common sense that they may have possessed prior to their assuming office. It is as if they underwent a massive brain-draining vacuuming upon taking the oath of office….. oaths which they promptly ignore shortly after lowering their right hands. Some conspiracy theorists would suggest that government officials’ minds are mysteriously controlled by Bilderbergs, TriLateralists or the Illiminati. I’m not certain of the sources of the mental destruction, but I am painfully aware of its results. Personally, I suspect that there are elements embedded in the marble and granite found throughout Washington, D.C., that irradiate brain matter and destroy brain cells. My theory may not be true, but it has as much validity as any of the others for explaining the perplexing loss of intelligence and sense by our political “leaders.”

Clearly our exalted leaders are not stupid. They successfully convinced enough people that they were competent and capable in order to gain elective office. The mysterious loss of mental capacity seems to generally occur after the electoral battle has been won. Correspondingly, there also appears to be a massive erosion of ethics and integrity to complement the striking reduction in mental acuity. In addition it seems that with each successful re-election, the problem becomes startlingly more acute. The longer they “serve,” the “dumber” they get. In fact some of the senior members of Congress and the bureaucracy appear to have NO BRAINS AT ALL (see: Charlie Rangel, John Conyers, John Dingell, and Barbara Boxer). Congressman Rangel, for example, despite being a dedicated advocate of “soaking the rich” taxation policy to generate the funds for his welfare-based vote-buying schemes….is a notable tax scofflaw who owes the people of this nation a sizable sum of unpaid taxes. The most tragic stupidity of all, however, is the incessant mental deficiencies of the people who continually send such reprobates back into the halls of power… term after term.  

Perhaps… rather than celebrating the occasional spasms of sanity that emit from the halls of government, we should yearn for frequent spasms of intelligence from the eyes-in-the-headlights electorate. That may be an ideal that is far too optimistic. Despite our nation’s obvious slide into the pit of fiscal, social and moral ruin, voters continue to re-elect the brain-dead zombies who orchestrated the fall because they promise to correct the problem. So who….really….is the brain impaired party here? So…given our electoral history, the public’s lack of constitutional knowledge, and the unwillingness of our people to accept personal responsibility, it appears we have reaped as we have sown.

In the final analysis the true spasms of sanity must be experienced by those of us who observe the decay of the United States. Our voters, their elected leaders and the bureaucratic masters are all glowing examples of chronic and persistent liberty-free zombies. They are brainless, soulless and heartless. As we glance at the culture that has overtaken us, we must ignite our spasms of sanity by digging our bunkers, growing our food, stocking our ammo and…… grabbing our ankles. It will get ugly. When I look at so-called harsh measures such as the Paul Ryan budget plan and its feeble approach to our fiscal crisis, I am motivated to withdraw and prepare. When I hear voter after voter praising the Ryan solution and falling for the false promise of proficient government management, I know that my personal sovereignty has been compromised beyond recovery. Minimal measures are not solutions. They are illusions. Dream on, America. Sleep well. Finally….the unspoken question must be asked. If everyone around me is insane, am I the only person who has spasms of sanity? Or…. is everyone else in complete control of their mental faculties and I am the loony outlier? Crazy world, isn’t it?

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