Monday, February 22, 2010

Cupcakes and stuff

This election cycle promises to be an exciting one here in Ohio and around the nation. Citizens are exchanging beers and barco-loungers for Tea Parties and Liberty Lobbies. An over current of discontent and dissatisfaction is driving citizens to become more informed and more active in the political scene. While their activity is noteworthy and generates media attention, if one were to objectively examine the restoration movement, it would, in my view, become apparent that they represent an infinitesimal segment of the voting population. On the other hand, it is difficult to ascertain their potential impact on the election because they do interact with family, friends and co-workers. Observing the restoration movement in action as a candidate and as a long-time political watcher has led me to conclude that their activities remind of something that I witnessed many years ago.

At this point I would suggest that if you have young children gazing at the computer screen, you usher them to another room. I plan to discuss bodily excretions in the remaining portion of this treatise. Bodily functions are natural and excretions are the body’s method for disposing of unwanted, harmful elements. My memorable metaphor occurred some time ago at a birthday party for a four year-old child. One of the angelic little kiddlings attracted my attention. The main staples of the celebration were beautifully decorated cupcakes, and the little was attacking his with relish. As he meticulously rotated his cupcake while chomping off the edges, I noticed that his nose was running profusely and streaming down onto the cupcake. This development didn’t appear to faze the little guy because he continued his dedicated munching…cake and mucous.

One of the advantages of being a statewide candidate on a third-party ticket is that most people assume that you are crazy. So, when I have an unprovoked flashback of a grotesque moment, and then associate that memory with the current political scene, most people are not shocked. So, here goes. The scene that I recalled reminds of the current state of the Republican Party….lots of glitter, some substantive cake adorned with waste. Despite their protestations to the contrary, government under GOP rule continues to grow and oppression increases. Since 1994 the GOP has to one degree or another had a grip on the reins of power. That is sixteen years…more than one and a half decades. Does CPB/PBS still receive federal funding? Are OSHA and the EPA smaller? Do Planned Parenthood and ACORN slurp at the federal trough? Have non-vital federal lands been sold to the private sector, or has federal ownership of real estate increased? The Republicans smugly declare that their contribution to sane government involved their slowing or stopping some extremely noxious legislative efforts. So, I’m supposed to be encouraged by this chest thumping? The GOP is actually more dangerous, in some respects, than the Mad-Hatters who are rushing us toward tyranny. They (the Republicans) may not be driving the bus, but they are willing riders on it…and neither group will squirm when they toss us under the wheels.

Lest some of you readers perceive that I am targeting my greatest wrath toward the Republicans by using body waste as an illustration, let me balance this screed by stating that the Democrats/progressives promise us booger sandwiches…but with no bread. The bread metaphor is used for money, therefore the D’s promise the moon, but will spend us out of money in the meantime. So, dear Reader, you may believe that it’s safer to support one of the old spendthrifts, unconstitutional parties, but it’s not.

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