Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On the Road

Here’s Willie: watch v=1TD_pSeNelU

So, that’s my life for the coming nine and one-half months. Last night was the second notable appearance of the campaign as I traveled to Sidney, Ohio in Shelby County to meet with the Sidney Shelby County Liberty Group. Approximately 75 people were on hand to hear a representative from the county Democratic Party, the county GOP and moi’. We were each given fifteen minutes to address the audience, and then the microphones were available for questions and answers. It was a great give-and-take opportunity with some really wonderful, nice people. If I could spend the remaining time in this campaign in similar venues, with equally gracious hosts, and surrounded by concerned, curious citizens like those at the Dorothy Love facility, then whatever the outcome of the election, I will have considered my campaign successful. Obviously, I want to win. One does not commit a year of one’s life and significant personal resources to merely “show up.” Still, the message is paramount. Too many professional politicians dilute the message and make the elections about them. The message echoes the principles: smaller Constitutionally-based government, lower taxes as a result of smaller government, and more personal freedom for every individual.

It’s rather easy to become distracted from the primary during the course of a campaign. As one travels to various communities throughout the state, one discovers that each of them has burning local issues that have captured the attention of the locals. Some seek affirmation of their point of view when the statewide candidate comes calling, thus diverting the discussion from the candidate’s message to one involving local disputes. As a responsible candidate who seeks to be of service to constituents or potential constituents, one is sorely tempted to offer an opinion. Bad idea. The source may be biased or misinformed, and certainly the candidate will lack the requisite knowledge for making an informed judgment. As a candidate, I must constantly, consistently and covertly remind myself to stay on message. The principles of Constitutional government, lower taxes and more personal freedom trump chicken farm zoning, school board shenanigans, and County Commissioner malfeasance. They are important critical issues for those who must face them, but I must stay focused on the big picture. If I, and those who believe as I do, fail, then those other local problems will not matter. Big Brother will make those decisions for them…for us.

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