Tuesday, December 21, 2010


“To” is one of those words that drove you crazy when you were in the second grade. Just like their, there and they’re, “to” battled with two and too to earn its rightful place in the communication cavalcade. For those of us who have managed to unravel the mysteries of “to,” there is the awareness that our little two letter friend is very active and quite useful. “To” is a hard working preposition predominately positioned to positively provide a sense of direction. Note: a sentence about “to” required a “to” to complete the thought. Our efforts to communicate would be severely handicapped if we had no “to” for directing our attention.
Personally, I’m rather fond of “to.” The little preposition that could suggests a sense of forwardness…of progress. “To” is twice as efficient as its four-letter counterpart, from. “To” brings forth a feeling of anticipation as we eagerly seek to discover where the mighty two-word phenom will lead us. Our little preposition reminds me of many patriots and citizens who grace our nation. They, as does “to,” do the heavy lifting while remaining relatively anonymous and unheralded. “To” like many solid, salt-of-the earth people is underrated and underappreciated.
We all should know what remarkable people our founders were. Their knowledge of the classics, and their familiarity with contemporary philosophers including Adam Smith’s newly published Wealth of Nations provided them with a firm foundation for crafting the structure of our new nation. Looking ahead, however, I suspect the heroes of the restoration of our liberty will not be the most highly educated of their generation. Neither will they be the elite or the super wealthy. The people most responsible for the restoration of liberty for our nation will be the unsung every-day people who want to live free. The fathers, mothers and grandparents who will not allow their young people to be oppressed and suppressed by an overzealous unconstitutional government. They represent the “to’s” in the language of liberty. They shall lead our nation back TO freedom. They shall lead future generations TO a new hope and rekindled opportunity. They will rise up TO lead our nation, and they will not fail.

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