Saturday, February 5, 2011

Littlestuff Weekender-2-5-2011

Continued from last Littlestuff Weekender: Article 1, Section 8.
To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures;
To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States;
To establish post offices and post roads;
To promote the progress of science and the useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme court;
Over the next two Saturday’s we’ll complete the enumerated powers presentation, and then begin with some commentary about them.
We’ll be leaving at noon today for Flint, Michigan, where we’ll be the dinner speaker for the Michigan Libertarian Party’s LibertyFest. We’ll be staying overnight at the Gateway Center Holiday Inn, and will return to Ohio on Sunday for my sister and brother-in-law’s 40th wedding anniversary and some small time football game.
Next weekend (Thursday through Sunday) we’ll be in Washington, D.C. to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Hopefully we pick up some fertile information for future columns as well as developing some additional sources for info and insights.
Future column in the works include a Church and State analysis, an examination of police powers in the U.S. and how they are utilized, and an inspection of the 17th Amendment and its ramifications.
Yesterday we taped a segment for Randall Turner’s “Money in America” radio program that airs in New York, Pennsylvania and Nevada. You can pick up Randy’s show or podcasts at
Thanks to Randy Turner and Janis for allowing us the opportunity to discover one more outlet for freedom. As we move through these perilous times, solid financial stewardship is vital, and Randall Turner, M.B.A. provides information that is useful for all of us.
So, Mr. President and bodacious members of the Senate, what is it about “unconstitutional healthcare legislation” that you do not understand? Why do you continue to behave as if all systems were “go?” Why do you insist upon thwarting the will of the people? Why do you forge onward when 28 states have, in essence, told you to cease and desist? Why do you appear committed to goading the citizens of the United States? Why?
As many of you know, I was an active member of the GOP for 42 years. I switched to the Libertarian Party when I discovered that to rise to power in the Republican Party would require that I be neutered. Didn’t seem like a good trade for me, but apparently many others have chosen to sacrifice their jewels for a sip from the cup of political power. When in politics, Republicans sacrifice their cajones, and Democrats give away their brains. Explains a lot, doesn’t it.
Here on our little farmette, the Little Pat-Ch of Paradise, the John Deere has been working overtime as we move snow from near the buildings and the driveway. We have a bumper crop of the white stuff…and that’s enough for this year. The water table should be in good shape this year.
Let’s see, if Ohio would secede from the union, but would not be true to Constitutional principles, then Wood County could withdraw from the Buckeye State. But if Wood County failed to uphold the rights of individuals, then Middleton Township could step aside, and if the township trustees were derelict in their governance, then our Little Pat-Ch of Paradise would declare our independence and rename ourselves….the State of Confusion. Whatever works….
For those of you who are concerned about the impact of illegal immigration in Ohio, Julie Aldrich has a scheduled meeting with Ohio House Speaker, Bill Batchelder, on February 18th at 10:00am in Columbus. She needs to know how many plan to attend in order to arrange for the appropriately sized room. If you wish to go, please contact Julie at .
Back on Monday. Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Many critics of secession point to examples like the one you cited (where Ohio, then the county, then the township, then your "Pat-Ch of Paradise" seceded from the next larger unit). This would lead to true anarchy, which I don't think most of us would consider to be a good thing.

    This is why we also need to talk more about _decentralism_. I do believe that Ohio should declare its independence, but having done so, should devolve the state government to the counties, and the counties to the townships, cities, and villages (as practicable). Some provision would remain to enable the state to act as a check on local corruption.

    This way, the bulk of government can be directly under the control of the people, and further atomization would be unnecessary.

    To achieve this, given human nature, will take a strong will by libertarians following independence, but I am convinced that it is possible, if we do a good job of educating our people.
