Thursday, March 24, 2011

Niche Quiche

Niche marketing is the new best thing. Discover the demographic that is most interested in your product or service, and target your messages to the media that attract that group. Niche involvement follows a similar pattern. Some people join clubs or organizations and are elected as treasurer because they have banking or accounting backgrounds. Others may be placed in charge of publicity because they may work for a newspaper, radio station or cable system. Each of us has her/his comfort…areas where we feel competent and effective. There are times, however, when we must shed our “comfort skin” and tackle tasks that we do not enjoy, or ones for which we are not particularly skillful.

When confusion reigns and there are so many areas and issues of concern, sometimes the niche concept must be discarded in order to get the job done and the fires extinguished. There are no union work rules for patriots. We do what must be done even if the task is not within our field of expertise. In a perfect orderly Tea Party universe each of us would be like an egg that is safe and secure in its own little cubicle within the carton. If the carton is shaken or radically disturbed, the eggs will crack or break, and the only option that remains is scrambled eggs…everyone doing everything to save the republic. A leader who understands and identifies the talents, skills, preferences and energy levels of the team will transform the disorganization of scrambled eggs into a tasty quiche. The leader will gather the disparate elements and unique personalities together to create a substantive finished product. Scrambled eggs can be effective, but when held together by a quality crust and enhanced by additional ingredients, the overall result can be much greater than that achieved by the dispersed eggs alone.

Adaptation in the face of adversity is an invaluable asset. Many people in the liberty movement have begun to discover new talents and abilities that they may not have used earlier. Because of the constant bombardment of government overreach and unconstitutional actions, patriots have found themselves having to wage battle on several fronts simultaneously. As a writer I often am accused of identifying problems and not providing solutions. I can understand some readers’ frustrations with someone who continually identifies the flaws. Although many in the liberty movement are new to brass-knuckle politics, like any other endeavor you learn by doing. Sometimes you’ll err and lose when you should have or could have won, but the next time around the track, you’ll be smarter and wiser. As a writer who has run statewide as a candidate and campaigned successfully for state representative, I believe that I have some insights that may be helpful for other liberty-minded patriots. As with any advice from any source, you can ignore it, adapt it or adopt it. There are many simultaneous fronts in this fight to take back our country, and various organizations and individuals are working those areas. In nearly every case, someone has chastised me for not embracing or becoming totally involved in their respective crusade. Well, I can’t do them all no matter how meritorious your particular remedy may be, and I will not attempt to do so. I urge you to become part of the quiche rather than disgruntled scrambled eggs. Things will cook a lot better if you do.

In 2010 I took an entire year non-stop from my family, my health, my profession and my home. Now, I spend 4 to 6 hours per day writing these columns having been seasoned by 220 speaking appearances, 46 county fairs plus the state fair, thousands of miles on the road (mostly alone), numerous banquets and picnics, hot weather, cold weather, rain, snow, one televised debate, 2 televised campaign forums, several print interviews and hundreds of wonderful people throughout the 88 counties of Ohio. That’s what I have to offer to you who are passionate about freedom. I will continue to integrate my experience into my columns as I continue to pray for victory for liberty. I am emerging from my shell because I truly want to be a “good egg.”

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