Friday, November 18, 2011

Gimmicks and Tricks

Sleight of hand is commonplace in the halls of government power. Our superior elites continuously dazzle us with their “now you see it, now you don’t” routine of promises and broken vows. The pathways of United States’ history is littered with the shards of broken trust as our political masters pledge to be responsible….and fail, fail again and again. The most glaring recent example is the so-called “Super Committee.” I’ve witnessed more integrity and intelligence tumbling out of the clown car at the circus than I’ve observed from this bunch of worn out hacks. Yet, Boehner, Reid, McConnell and Pelosi smilingly go through the motions, precisely following their scripts, alternately sharing their fears and their hopes about the ultimate package for preserving our republic for another day…..just one day. Why one day? Because they are so weak-kneed they cannot kick the can any further down the road.

Perhaps I should not be so cynical because they have given me another twenty-four hours to prepare for our national and the global economic meltdown. Yes, I should be thankful for small favors. It is difficult, however because the people who are now offering me band aids for our nation’s fiscal woes, are the identical folks who severed our limbs of prosperity and liberty. In those rare instances where they were not directly responsible for our ills, they were droolingly complicit and compliant. I am fed up with gimmicks and tricks. I am sick of lying clueless politicians who seek to enrich themselves at my expense. I am tired of career politicians who “speak the speak” and say nothing. I am nauseated by slick political operatives who are continually trying to fool me. I am radically pissed by bureaucrats who sit in their cubicles and make life-altering choices for me. I am furious with all the single-digit I.Q. clowns who believe they know what’s best for me.

The elegant simplicity of the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution of the United States of America has been dragged through a cesspool of avarice and incompetence by a political and bureaucratic class that has no class…no common sense…no true compassion…no integrity…no honor…no principles…and no self-discipline. They have taken the second greatest guide for enlightened self government in human history and transformed it into a meaningless relic. They have stolen our treasure, our time and our dreams. They have grabbed our liberty and traded it for their egomaniacal power trips. They are not satisfied. They continue to assault our freedom and tax us into poverty. They consistently pass huge incomprehensible pieces of legislation that overwhelm our businesses, our citizens and our futures. If our political class and their bureaucratic henchmen were living under strict Sharia law, their hands would be severed from their lying thieving bodies. If they were living under early U.S. frontier justice, their twitching bodies would be dangling from a massive oak tree. If they were living in Revolutionary times, they would be hauling tail to Canada or back to England. So why do WE tolerate them?

So far you’ve probably concluded that I’m angry with politicians and bureaucrats. My seething does not stop with them. I am outraged by a soft, weak, dependent American populace that has NO sense of self-reliance. Sometimes I suspect that Gumby’s DNA has infiltrated our national gene pool. No spines, no bones of integrity and no firm understanding about the mess we are facing. Even people who pride themselves on their knowledge of and devotion to the Constitution vote for and support the Boehners and the McConnells because……”they’re not as bad as Democrats.” Scarlet fever isn’t as bad as typhoid, but neither one fits into my cavalcade of hits. No, both parties are guilty of writing and passing omnibus bills that are loaded with hand grenades and turds to foul the lives our citizens. Both parties have shared power and collusion for 150 years as they have led us or driven us down the path toward tyranny and away from our constitutional liberties. Both parties have protected and elected perverts, thieves, liars, adulterers and egotistical megalomaniacs. We have witnessed a massive bipartisan screwing, and we are either too weak or too cowardly to challenge the status quo. Perhaps we are too ignorant or too stupid to understand that liberty is a gift from God and must be preserved and protected….even when it’s our “friends” who are wresting it from us.

Sadly, I’m beginning to suspect that we have gone beyond the point of “no return.” I shall continue to scream, plead and goad my fellows into action and counter-action, but I intend to implement some personal remedies for the chaos that I see. From this point forward I declare our small acreage, The Little Pat-Ch of Paradise, as a sovereign state…seceding from all other political jurisdictions that claim dominance over our property. We shall henceforth be known as the nation of Patch on the continent of Paradise. If you drive past our new little nation and witness a cluster of jackbooted S.W.A.T. officers assaulting our place, take joy in the fact that the empire-building nation has once again taken on a weak little country. If history is a guide, we can hold out for ten years and collect billions in aid. Sounds like a plan.

On the air Friday afternoon from 3-6:00pm for Brian Wilson.
1370 WSPD, Toledo

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