Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Firewall for Freedom

Firewall: a barrier inside a building or vehicle, designed to limit the spread of fire, heat and structural collapse.
The time has come to build a firewall for freedom. Each day, every day some new action by our federal, state or local governments with the willing complicity of certain large corporate and banking interests generates some rule, law, regulation or constraint that limits our liberty. Our citizens and our freedom are under siege. We are surrounded by interests who seek to enhance their own power and diminish ours. If seems as if our foes are bold, and our allies are ineffective. We are facing a conflagration that is obsessed with consuming our rights and our lives. The oxygen that stokes the all-consuming fire is our indifference and our ignorance. The accelerant that increases the intensity of the flames is our propensity for looking to government for solutions.

Firewalls must fulfill three functions: external protection, internal limits and damage mediation. The ideal firewall will prevent corrosive outside forces from doing harm to our liberty and our nation. In my view, the external component has already been breached and the destruction has been underway for many decades. The charred remains of our Republic are standing but teetering. The internal function is designed to protect the elementary core of the nation from total destruction, but the flames of socialism are flickering dangerously close to our inner essence. Minimizing the damage appears to be the current mode for our liberty firewall as so many of our freedoms and rights have been abridged by overzealous governments at every level of our nation.

Our firewall has been weakened, and the heat is gaining intensity. To avoid having our Republic consumed by the flames we must step into the fire and rebuild the firewall. Clearly that effort has begun on many levels through the liberty, Tea Party and affiliated organizations. The educational programs they have undertaken have informed thousands about the history and advantages of a constitutional republic. The reach must be broader and deeper for rebuilding the wall because the numbers of people who wish to save the nation must be significant and effective.

Educating and motivating the voting electorate represents the outer layer of the firewall structure. This reconstruction has begun but needs to be dramatically expanded in order to be effective. The outer layer is the first line of defense when the attack comes. It must be equipped for slowing the pace and the intensity of the onslaught while the inner core and the final shield adjust to the oncoming assault. The inner core….similar in function and substance to the EPA/OSHA-dreaded asbestos….is built for a longer-lasting endurance in the face of high-powered attempts to bring down our constitutional republic. Our inner core will be solidly intact if we can train, educate and arm the next generation with knowledge about the Constitution, the Declaration and their purposes. It is absolutely vital for the survival of our republic for the next generation to be informed and prepared to defend liberty and life. Under the present circumstances I would define the “next generation” as those less 40 years of age.

If you were to attend a number of liberty groups or Tea Party-affiliated functions, you would note that the demographics tend toward older citizens. Obviously soccer matches, school events and hefty work obligations may limit the time available for middle-life activists in the restoration movement. Despite their shortage of time, our groups of activists must find a means for educating and informing this next generation of leaders and restorers. We cannot allow their cohort to remain uninformed and uninvolved because as our generation tires or expires the torch will not be advanced. Our outreach to them must require a minimal time investment and a maximum of information. No long, drawn out meetings absorbed with minutiae and minutes will hold their interest. The sessions geared for them and others must start promptly, load them with historical and political data, and end promptly … preferably 90 minutes or fewer. Another option is to provide them free dvd or cd learning opportunities, but if cost is an issue, a lending library could be established for the purpose. We must reach them and teach while working within their time and priority constraints.

The final wall of our firewall is the final wall. If the external wall and the core are functional, but the final wall is faulty, we will merely retard our demise….not stop it. The final wall is the group of young people who are 25 or younger….all the way to infants. Statists, socialists, communists and humanists have been having their way with our young people for several generations. We must recapture the educational initiative. Clearly the best path is through their parents, but if that route is unavailable, then a more direct approach is needed. Animated dvd’s could be produced (preferably in a serial) and distributed through fairs, festivals, scout troops and other youth groups. Perhaps a direct-mail campaign could be developed to get them into the area homes, or some time on local cable access channels might be available. Will we be accused of brainwashing the crumb crunchers and rug rats? Yes, so what? Lombardi said it ”Winning is the only thing.” Aside from their personal salvation, the best gift we can give our grandchildren is a love for liberty and the passion to promote it.  It is our duty to God, our progeny and our nation.

Tue.& Wed., 6-7:00pm, 1370 WSPD, Toledo…


1 comment:

  1. Two rays of hope that deserve our support, that appeal to younger audiences:

    Mike Church ( has created a DVD animated series called The Road to Independence, which is both entertaining and very faithful to the original accounts of the Declaration of Independence and writing the Constitution.

    Jason Rink, a former Ohioan, at the Foundation for a Free Society, produces videos in a style that grabs the interest of young adults. Their website is
