Monday, December 12, 2011

Street Sense

Citizen discontent appears to be a global phenomenon. All over the earth people are marching in the streets and protesting against their respective governments. At first glance one might think that there is an international cabal stirring the natives and making them restless, but if you pay close attention to complaints of the protestors, you will note that each nation has its own unique catalog of abuses or inequities.

Some are rising up against torture and oppression. Other venues find small pockets of women protesting restrictive and unequal legal systems. In some countries the demonstrations are prompted by austere fiscal policies that limit government benefits. A few nations are experiencing ethnic turmoil as some minorities protest their second-class status while other countries find majority citizens objecting to their resident minorities, their cultures and their practices. A few nations are dealing with unsatisfied citizens who challenge the corruption and power of their ruling elites. It seems as if the common thread is discontent only…..the sources and types of their disgruntlements are varied. More than Arab Spring …. greater than European Fall …. It must be the Winter of Discontent. All over the globe people are sensing that there are major cataclysmic shifts ahead.

Here in the United States there are two distinct types of protest movements. The liberty and Tea Party groups and their affiliate partners are vigorously attempting to restore some semblance of small-government constitutionalism while the Marxist-inspired “Occupy Movement” appears to desire an acceleration of big government policies. These two highly visible efforts emphatically illustrate that the economy and the political system of the USA are balanced on a fulcrum of indecision. The teetering future of the Republic can be determined at any time if either of the polar opposite’s point of view captures the imagination of the large portion of citizens who are relatively uninvolved. We could have a massive movement toward restoring our original principles that promote personal liberty and prosperity, or we might slide into chaos.

Each of the two competing visions is undergoing some changes as we approach the critical year of 2012. Cold weather and police actions have caused many of the “occupy” locations to relocate or close down. The Tea Party Alliance appears to be somewhat in hibernation mode except for those states that are in the thick of the GOP Primary contest. The next 11 months, in my view, will determine the glide path for our nation. The funny-money machinations of the Fed and Wall Street will continue as the central bankers seek to stay ahead of the avalanche. The Street and the commodity traders will frantically try to anticipate major and minor shifts thus resulting in continued high tension volatility. These actions along with continued lowering of property values and the release of another 8 million or so foreclosed properties (the commercial bubble is rather quietly losing air) will provide some impetus in the spring for a resumption of “occupation forces.” It will be fascinating to observe what impact this will have on the Obama reelection campaign since he is a eager fellow-traveler with the organizers.  

The Tea Party patriots and like minded groups are more difficult to assess. Clearly the GOP contest for president is taking a lot of oxygen from the room as individuals within the movement are supporting various candidates. If their favorites do not secure the nomination, will they continue to be as passionate and involved as they were for the 2010 mid-term elections? If the Republican Establishment is successful in their efforts to secure the nomination for Romney, will the reformers and small government advocates take a pass, support a third party or stay somewhat engaged but in a lukewarm fashion?  

Revolutions are generally messy. So far the competing ideologies for the heart and soul of the nation have remained civil….for the most part. If the 2012 election process appears to be wrested from the hands of the active citizenry, it is possible that a portion of them may seek other means for achieving their goals. In Ohio for example we are facing a cluster of initiatives and referenda as the opposing sides attempt to take their messages directly to the electorate. The political system is fragile as disgruntled citizens from competing ideologies grope for the means to achieve their objectives. Will the vast indifferent population awaken and join those who wish to use the system to repair and restore its brokenness? Or will the people allow the surly anarchic destroyers to assume control of the national dialogue? We are at the tipping point….economically, politically and spiritually. Will freedom emerge as the victor or will the unrelenting movement toward tyranny continue unabated? The choice is ours. The task is immense. Liberty is the prize.

Tue. & Wed., 6-7:00pm, 1370 WSPD, Toledo

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we are at the juxtaposition of freedom and slavery. Most are oblivious. Keep spreading the truth.
