Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Victim's Lament

Barack H. Obama is a lying hypocritical Marxist ideologue.
Willard Mitt Romney is a spineless Establishment statist.
Newt Gingrich is a fickle undisciplined unreliable statist.
Ron Paul is a looney old man.
Rick Santorum supported Arlen Specter and wants Christian Sharia law.
Herman Cain is gone.
John Huntsman is…..who?
Rick Perry suffers from massive bouts of brain freeze.
Michele Bachmann is too short.
Chris Christy is too fat.
Marco Rubio is too young.
Mitch Daniels is too reluctant.
The Donald is too vain.
John McCain is too….everything.

I am a V.I.C.T.I.M…..a very incensed citizen trapped in misery. My country is falling apart in a number of ways and my choices for a leader are all flawed and inadequate. Rather than waiting for a knight or lady on a white horse I must settle for someone freeloading on a donkey cart. We have more than 310 million people in the United States, but most of our choices are career politicians who helped create the problems. They now want us to believe that they can … or will solve them. I understand that a successful career in the private sector does not necessarily qualify one to be President of the United States. In addition to the duties associated with being a high-level CEO, one must stay abreast of multiple national and international issues. In other words…one must not only be competent but aware as well. On the other hand ignorance could be a blessing because the candidate would not be hamstrung by the traditional approaches that seem to pervade the Washington mentality. Given all this….we need a president who is intelligent, informed, has integrity and can adequately present her or his ideas to the American people. Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln were not gifted speakers although their speeches were notable, but in today’s multi-media environment, a candidate must have the tools to deliver a speech in addition to some discretionary substance.

Present day candidates should know everything, say little and say it extremely well. Instead we have politicians who think they know it all, talk incessantly and can’t sell a concept to a third grader without using repetitive speaking points. The speaking point issues arise because they believe they must stay on message so that they don’t make any serious verbal gaffes. Also, I suspect, they stay on message because they believe the people are too dense to handle complicated and subtle issues. I have noticed that many career national politicians are woefully unaware of much of what goes on outside Washington. They are also deficient in knowledge about elements of government outside their committee assignments which is proof positive that the federal government has grown too large……when the entire Congress is composed of clusters of specialists.

Observing Congress is similar to watching a room full of PhD’s. Everyone knows a lot about a narrow field, and very few know anything else. The specialization leads to legislators who have no sense of the big picture and how their areas of expertise interact with other areas and with the people. Their efforts are constructed within a vacuum of the committee room, molded and shaped by staff members who are also specialists, taken to the floor and passed because of recommendations by the “specialists.” At no point in the process is the proposed legislation measured against reality or vetted for harmful unintended consequences. There are too many agencies, departments and bureaus engaged in too many unconstitutional activities passing too many laws that interact with other acts that suppress, repress or confuse the citizens. We are victims. We suffer from legislative and bureaucratic overload. Our backs are being broken by the heavy weight of big government and burdensome lawmaking. We are hurt by laws and rules that limit our freedom and crush our spirits.

In matters of defense and foreign policy our government has often used sanctions against a nation with whom they disagree. The sanctions have been intended to severely restrict the commerce and the activities of the targeted country. Frequently the sanction activity has ultimately led to armed conflict. It’s time to turn the tables on our overzealous lawmakers and their elf-like bureaucratic minions. Let’s sanction them. Let’s create nationwide petitions that insist that the politicians stop passing or promulgating restrictive laws and rules. Let’s commit to ignoring laws and rules that are implemented during a prearranged moratorium period through civil non-compliance. Let’s overwhelm their phone lines and email boxes with organized consistent and continual contact. Let’s dare them to defy us. The only character trait they possess that is greater than their self interest……is cowardice. They (especially the politicians) will probably back down. If they do not, then bring it on. The people must win before the career politicians and the massive bureaucracy empties our tool chest. The people must win. We don’t need any more stinking victims at the hands of Big Government.

On the air tonight (Wed.) 6-7:00pm, 1370 WSPD, Toledo

1 comment:

  1. Let's try an extreme analogy. No characters in it are intended to relate to any political figure, simply ponder the question of electability.

    Let's assume there are two political parties in hell. One led by Lucifer, the other, Beezlebub. The citizens of hell have concluded that it is a wicked and awful place. There is a general election coming, and they need an outsider to lead hell from its miseries, someone who is not part of the establishment - the status quo if you will.

    One of their number has an epiphany, and gets in touch with Jesus to see if he'll run. To the surprise of many - as a merciful, selfless, and kind being, he agrees!

    Only one problem. In hell, "He can't win"
