Monday, March 5, 2012

Biting the Bullet

Are our politicians too stupid or too selfish to understand that it’s time to bite the bullet? Just like Gurkhas and the Sikhs in the British Armed Forces in the South Asian theater who had cartridges covered with lard-based cosmoline, sometimes you have to bite the bullet. Can kicking has become a national pastime for our local, state and federal politicians. With a few exceptions at the local and state levels they go about their (our) business as if the golden la-la land will go on forever. With our national debt now exceeding $16 trillion they have made no effort to balance the budget in order to freeze the debt at its current ‘greater than national GDP’ levels. With our massive indebtedness and more than $100 trillion in unfunded future obligations they have made no effort to eliminate the deadly spending growth inherently present in ‘base line budgeting.’ They have made NO effort.

Clearly the career politicians are afraid to face the political heat from special and favored interests who are the primary stakeholders in huge government spending. That’s their fault. The fact that greater heat has NOT been generated to stop the spending….cease the borrowing….and abandon the base line…is our fault. If we truly want our elected officials to bite the bullet, then we must overcome our own inhibitions and do the uncomfortable things that will get their attention. Writing letters (the old fashioned kind), transmitting emails, telephoning and face-to-face questioning at their public events may nudge them towards the realization that we have reached our upper limits of tolerance. The face-to-face encounters can be particularly effective if the questioner is polite and restrained. Because of others in the audience who may not be totally aware of our diminished liberties, the open Q & A could prompt them to begin the mental journey that leads to insight.

If one were to chamber a cartridge that had been preserved in the old lard-laden way without first biting the end and cleaning the grease from the casing, one could have a misfire. Metaphorically, we must do the uncomfortable before we can ever hope to affect our friends, neighbors and loved ones. Unending email threads and marathon discussions at Tea Party or Liberty events do not sway anyone. Most of those who attend, and all of those on the subscriber list are convinced that our nation is in peril. “Biting the bullet” means that we step out beyond our comfortable cocoon and challenge others with respect, dignity and love. These ideas are not so novel. Jesus the Christ taught them as the tools of evangelism, and the Apostle Paul was even more expansive about the techniques for sharing the Good News.

“Biting the Bullet” is suggestive of another aspect of our battle for liberty. One never chambered the cartridge unless the threat was imminent. If a warrior loaded the weapon too early, an accidental discharge could warn the foe, or even worse, harm oneself…you know that shooting oneself in the foot embarrassment. In the matter involving our liberty….the threat is imminent…..we are surrounded and can see the whites of their eyes. It’s time….actually past time….for biting the bullet and chambering the cartridge. We have no more time for internal squabbling among the family of patriots, tea partiers and liberty advocates. If we all agree that individual liberty is threatened and if we concur that freedom is vital, we can deal with our large or petty differences after the field has been taken….after the battle has been won. It’s bullet biting time on the battlefield of freedom.

There will be no shots fired for liberty until the “lock and load’ maneuver is complete. The lock and load must be preceded by biting the bullet to prepare the cartridge for chambering and firing. Most of the endeavors that we find worthwhile require some level of discomfort before we can truly enjoy the activity. If we wish to enjoy the benefits and advantages of individual liberty, we must be willing to engage in the “grunt’ work that brings those results to fruition. We must bite the distasteful wad or plug to open up the potential for our cartridge to complete its designated task. Locking is the equivalent of getting our facts together….of knowing the legislative calendars and voting records of elected politicians. The loading aspect arises when we devise responses, answers and information to counter their arguments. Biting the bullet is when we confront them…either indirectly or personally. Chambering the slug is akin to notifying others who share our views about the stupidity, immorality or perfidy of the politician, and finally…..the gentle squeeze of the trigger represents our efforts to ‘fire” them from their jobs for failing to perform and violating the oath of office.

The time has come to bite the bullet. Just be certain that you don’t swallow the words of the defensive politician. It could lead to indigestion.

Tuesday evening 6:00-7:00pm, 1370 WSPD.

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