Saturday, March 3, 2012

Littlestuff Weekender-3-3-2012

Washington State is caucusing on Saturday, and ten states will be selecting delegates while choosing their presidential preferences on Super Tuesday. Perhaps the race for the GOP nomination will become much clearer….perhaps not.

Meanwhile….Germany announced that Greece can either accept the austerity measures mandated by the EU or resign from the European Union. If neither of those actions is undertaken, Germany says it may withdraw from the mega-state. In my view that’s unlikely and business will go on as usual until we have a severe European economic collapse followed by global economic devastation reminiscent of the sound of clicking dominoes as they tumble down.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio announced that forensic evidence proved that President Obama’s “birth certificate” was fraudulent. Obama’s defenders remarked that the ‘copy’ was not an original, therefore likely to be considered a counterfeit. The President laughed and his minions are still pursuing the sheriff for a number of “violations” of federal law regarding treatment of prisoners.

Toledo City Council decides to spend significantly more than $700 thousand to install cameras to observe perpetrators as they commit crimes in Toledo. Meanwhile there’s a shortage of police and cash in Toledo… well as common sense. Big Brother lives in Toledo….which is a good thing because others are moving out. The good news is that the videos can be uploaded to You Tube and people throughout the world can laugh at the brazenness of Toledo criminals and the ineffectiveness of Toledo’s finest to prevent their activity.

The conference tournaments are almost underway as we merrily trip into March Madness. As a sports fan, I typically limit my viewing/listening to teams that I care about or follow. March Madness is different. If I have time, I will watch two unknown teams from “directional” (NW, SE, Western, Eastern, Northern etc.) universities play 40 minutes of sloppy basketball. I will dutifully fill my brackets for my son-in-law’s contest and silently contribute my $10. If the pattern from previous years holds true, I will be one of the leaders in the first two rounds and will finish far out of the pack by the completion of the NCAA tournament.

Yesterday (Friday March 2nd) Pat and I had our 43rd wedding anniversary. I feel especially blessed that she has been so willing to suffer by staying with me all these years. I know that she could have done better, and I know that my ranting and complaining may have become tiresome for her. She has hung in there for more than four decades and deserves a medal plus the eternal reward that she has been promised and will surely redeem.

Going to an auction today (Saturday). It is 35 degrees and windy. Maybe the weather will discourage other bidders or they’ll show up because it is too miserable to do anything else.

There hasn’t been much publicity surrounding Tea Party challengers to incumbent Congress members of either old fossilized party. Has the focus on the presidential race taken the wind from the sales of local groups? Or are they finding it difficult to attract good candidates who are willing to take on the high-dollar P.R. machines of the current office holders? Given how much energy was lost following the 2010 election, I expected Tea Party, liberty and patriots groups to come back with fire in their eyes this year. Of the 83 or so T.P. candidates elected last cycle only about 20 of them held fast when Boehner and the leadership twisted their arms. Without more new people to help out, those remaining 20 may backslide because Washington D.C. can be a lonely place if your leadership is angry with you. Win the state legislatures and nullify unconstitutional federal meddling then run things constitutionally at home.

The Republican strategy is rather apparent. They didn’t initiate anything of true significance so they wouldn’t anger portions of the population. They hope to win the Senate, but I truly doubt their courage will increase. Unless there is a Republican or third-party President who is ABSOLUTELY COMMITTED to down-sizing government, massively cutting spending and restoring individual liberty, the Congress will not lead and it will be business as usual. The only appreciable change will be the rhetoric as they adjust their words to stop us from charging the Capitol with pitchforks and torches. We’ll be fooled again.

Have a great first weekend of March. Now I will enjoy my prime rib/hashbrown breakfast (leftovers from dinner) before leaving for the auction.


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