Monday, November 16, 2009

What to do about Sarah: the unabridged version.

As Sarah Palin begins her intergalactic tour (I describe it this way because leftists believe she is from another planet), I submit my thesis on why she is loathed or feared by so many on the left...including faux conservative, David Brooks. There are, I believe, two words that can be viewed as foundational when attempting to describe this phenomenon. They are grace and dysfunction. Lefties often cite the personal or public failings of conservatives as proof of their hypocrisy, thus rendering the conservative unworthy of the Public's trust. The progressives attack every flaw( whether real, perceived or false)  as evidence that the conservative has forfeited her/his credibility and trustworthiness.

As a Christian, Sarah and others who share her faith, understands that we are all fallen. We are incapable because of our fallen nature of living up to a standard that is worthy of our Lord. Because the Lord wants to spend eternity with us, He went to the cross, paid the penalty for our sins and arose from the grave to give us a new life, a new beginning that is free from eternal condemnation. As believers we live under his grace. Our failings, our shortcomings while real, are erased from the book of judgement. Because of this gift of grace, believers can move forward with confidence and assurance as long as we attempt to honor Him and understand that it is His mercy that allows us to go on.

Progressives, on the other hand, generally assume that the doctrine of grace is the province of rubes, rednecks, hillbillies and other such undesirables. Many leftists celebrate and encourage dysfunction  (e.g. lifestyle choices) while vociferously proclaiming that no one is worthy enough to judge the aberrant behaviors. In some respects they are correct. The only judge with authority and standing is God. The Lord has, however, given us His Word as a guidepost and a comfort to guide our walk. Lefties usually dismiss the validity of the word and whine about its mean-spirited judgementalism. Meanwhile, the progressive agenda seeks via legislation and the courts to legitimize every deviant behavior...while condemning and ostracizing those conservatives and believers who have fallen into the mire. This is the ultimate hypocrisy.

Liberals, progressives and others of their ilk seem to feel threatened by anyone who lives under the glow of grace. They reactively condemn, demean and seek to destroy those who enjoy the fruits of belief. Believers understand that dysfunctional deviant behavior is wrong, but it is a result of our fallen nature. Believers embrace the gift of mercy and grace, while progressives slap the face of God.

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