Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Greater Expectations

You are probably familiar with the fable about the Emperor’s New Clothes. If we were writing a story about today’s gallant knights who are running for office to save our nation, we would probably note that they’re wearing tin-foil armor. They are clothed with the fragile protection of expediency that they expect us to assume is principle.  Every candidate from every party or movement is to some degree a flawed warrior. For those of us who must choose our standard bearer, we are faced with the unenviable task of choosing a lesser leader. When we consider whom to choose, we should reflect about what our previous choices have yielded so that we do not compound one error with another. We do not require a leader who wears the faulty armor. We must have leaders who have principled minds and courageous hearts.

While at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) last week, I was struck by the dichotomy of passions that I witnessed. On the one hand supporters of various candidates and issues were vociferously promoting their “new best thing,” while on the other hand the overall tenor of the event was tenuous and somewhat subdued. For some Mitt was the best choice, and for others Newt or Rick was the obvious pick. Dr. Paul’s support was somewhat muted because of many liberty-oriented groups decisions not to participate in this year’s cattle call.

Is that all there is? Is this the best that America has to offer? Are Mitt, Newt, Rick, or Barrack the true guardians of liberty that our Framers had hoped would succeed them? Are Mitch McConnell and John Boehner the most virtuous and courageous people available to lead the Senate and the House of Representatives respectively? Yes, each of them is flawed….dangerously so, but those of us who are dissatisfied with them and their positions, policies or practices have not explicitly identified our criteria for leadership.

While we may choose to support the most electable or the best option available, we are admitting that our standards have sunk to the point of non-existence. Even in our local or congressional races we celebrate people whom we believe are better than the incumbent but are sorely deficient in principle, integrity and honor. Although we may whine about the paucity of principle among our candidates, we ignore the ones who are steadfast and solid because we perceive that they cannot win. That observation is true because it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we settle for lesser candidates in order to win, we shall always lose in the longer run. By promoting or electing lesser candidates what do we win? Perhaps a little more time before the Republic implodes, but not much else. We allow them to chisel away at our liberty and deny us the use of our property bit by bit.

Times have changed, Patriots. When we yet enjoyed our inalienable G_d-given rights and our Constitutionally-protected freedom, we could occasionally afford to elect an unprincipled charlatan or two. Today, however, the landscape has been altered. Each and every day we encounter another abuse from our government, and we cry for men and women of courage and principle to stand up and say “No More!” We must exercise our “greater expectations.” Close enough is not good enough any longer. Electable but seriously-flawed candidates will continue the destruction of our Republic and the future for our progeny. Greater expectations must be the order of the day and all our subsequent days. We have been identified as an exceptional people and nation. An exceptional people does NOT elect inadequate leaders just because they call us exceptional. An exceptional people insist that leaders be principled, honorable and honest. Maybe we should demand the “NOTA” (none of the above) option in our elections until we begin to attract the quality of candidates who are worthy of the Founders’ and Framers’ visions. We should exercise our greater expectations.

We have recently celebrated the 200th anniversary of Charles Dickens’ birth (b. 7 February 1812), our present constitutional republic has been in effect for 225 years, and our Declaration of Independence was issued some 236 years ago. Our greater expectations have been submerged in expediency and pragmatism as we march toward our tyrannical nirvana. Our liberty has been forfeited on the altar of electability and we have selected or elected leaders who compromise away our heritage….while we allow it. I am painfully aware that no one is perfect. I also know that the perfect candidate cannot satisfy the expectations of 312 million people. If we are convinced, however that a candidate is resolutely committed to identifiable principles then we can choose to support or reject that candidacy for legitimate reasons. Without a clear exposition of principles…we are blindfolded in the dark while trying to detect the least objectionable contestant.  

Truly I do understand the terrible fix that we’re in, but we’ve got to cure ourselves of the self-defeating strategy of falling for the first girl that shows some thigh or the buff guy with the six-pack abs. We must demand more of our candidates….more depth, more principle, more integrity and more courage. Glitter and almost-good enough does not cut it. The John Boehner’s of the world are absolutely undermining our liberty and our nation. Obama and his Marxist clan are destroying our nation. Unprincipled Republicans are allowing it. We must not be complicit. We must be insistent and consistent.

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